Email your MP to STOP PEP 11

Shocking plans to drill off the beautiful NSW coast and extend PEP 11 (Petroleum Exploration Permit 11) from Manly, through the Central Coast to Newcastle, risking devastation of the environment, climate, our wellbeing and our way of life, are being approved. Email your MP and the decision makers today to STOP PEP 11.

Compose your email

Email Tips +

You can just send the message provided if you wish, but creating your own message will have more impact: 

 1. Be courteous 

 2. Explain why you love the coast. eg surfing, whale watching…

 3. Explain briefly what matters to you, eg, pristine ocean, preventing climate damage, protecting marine animals, preserving our culture and way of life..

 4. How do you feel about:

  a) industrialisation of the horizon and rigs off your favourite beaches? 

eg connection to the coast, sadness and distress at the thought of harm...

 b) How do you feel about the risk to our whales and  dolphins and living ocean? 

c) The dangers of further climate damage eg extreme weather, coral bleaching...

d) The risk of harming the coast for drilling for fossil fuels in a climate emergency, that will only exacerbate climate damage?

 Remember, personalising your message will have more impact, but you can just send the message as is.  Click SEND your email today, to help STOP PEP 11 and Save Our Coast we all love.